Hydrogen Ecosystem

Hydrogen can be used for many applications. If hydrogen is used in for example steel production, it can also be used in other sectors such as transportation. However, to build these hydrogen ecosystems require considerable investments and support from national governments is essential.

Green hydrogen can be used for the decarbonisation of many sectors of the energy system such as industrial, agriculture, transport, building and transport as well as within the heating system. Hydrogen can be stored to be used when needed:

Lowering CO2 emission with green hydrogen production

Sun, wind or water can produce hydrogen through a process called electrolysis. In the process water is splitted with the help of electricity into oxygen and hydrogen.

The hydrogen can be used directly or stored and used when needed, completely free from harmful emissions. Hydrogen can be stored in fuel cells and used in a flexible way across different sectors such as industry, transport, power and building. The extended use of hydrogen is an important step towards a climate-neutral Europe, an objective that the EU set to reach 2050.

Green hydrogen produced by using renewable energy, is a CO2 free source of fuel.

Benefits of integrating
hydrogen in the
energy system


Renewable is carbon free and doesn’t emit harmful and polluting gases

Storing energy as well as generating electricity and heat

Increasing overall energy efficiency of hydrogen production by utilizing waste heat


Producing electricity with lower emissions per kWh


Job creation, help rebuilding the economy after the coronavirus crisis and secure a better future for generations to come.

Discover more about renewable hydrogen